You're going to have to manually remove them yourself.
Create a new folder on the desktop to drag all these guys into.
The quickest way to do it - other than individually selecting each one is double clicking "My Computer". When that window opens, use the folder icon with the arrow pointing up. This is also considered the "up" button, or the change directory button. It's next to the "Search" button and below the favorites button.
There you should see everything on your desktop. If you have the default set to small icons, you may have to right click a white area and then go to "View" then "Details". That will give you a long list.
Go ahead and click the column that says date modified to sort with the newest item on top of the list and the oldest on the bottom. If you extracted all that today, just select them with the mouse and drag down the select box until you have all of them inside.
Use control X - or manually drag them into the folder you have made from earlier that will be on the destop.